Pocket Full of Cigarettes that Never Got Smoked

21 Jun

Pocket Full of Cigarettes that Never Got Smoked

Pocket Full of Cigarettes that Never Got Smoked

Your prayers and support for the Jesus Film helped set this man free from addiction

The Jesus Film began bearing fruit during recording into the A-Che language last year. That’s God’s word. It’s never not working. 

Mu Shen has been a faithful follower of Jesus for the last few years. He has withstood persecution for his new faith in Jesus. He is from an unreached tribe that we are making disciples and planting churches in. After believing in Jesus, he began hosting a house church and growing in the Lord.

He was a natural candidate to be a “voice actor” for the Jesus Film when our team recorded the voice over in his native tongue last year. When Mu Shen showed up for the three-day recording event, he stuffed both pockets with four packs of cigarettes and two lighters. He was forewarned that this was a lock in event for security purposes. The thought of not smoking terrified him so he prepared accordingly.

As he began to immerse himself in the recording of the Gospel of Luke in his own tongue something supernatural took place… he had no urge to smoke. Mu Shen had been smoking since he was a boy. This forty-year addiction was broken. He was set free. The cigarettes that were stuffed in his pockets ended up in the garbage can. Just last month, when in China, I confirmed that he is still walking in freedom.

After the voice actors finished, their recordings were sent to the U.S. for the dub over. On my trip last month, I delivered the finished Jesus Film to them. We have used the Jesus Film as a tool to preach the Gospel to thousands who had never heard the name of Jesus before. Please pray that this film would reach thousands more.


Director, Unreached People Groups Ministry

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